Sometimes I have things to say

Gerco Dries

T-Mobile US and OpenVPN

Recently, I switched my familie’s mobile phone plan to T-Mobile and this has caused some issues with the VPN connection to my home from my phone. At times, the VPN would not come up at all and other times the VPN would connect just fine,…

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Gerco Dries

Server Name Indication

Historically, SSL servers could only install a single certificate per IP address. There was no way for a client to specify which domain name they were trying to connect to before completing the SSL negotiations. This effectively made shared hosting impossible while using SSL. In…

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Gerco Dries

What every developer must know about TLS

Transport Layer Security (TLS) or, as many still call it: SSL, is a cornerstone technology of the internet. It enables internet banking, many b2b applications and secure communications with your doctor. With the advent of free certificates from Let’s Encrypt, there are no more excuses…

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Gerco Dries

X Forwarding

I needed to set up a development environment on Linux for a customer project. This needed to run on Linux since one of my dependencies (let’s call it R) runs only on Linux and the VM needed an abundance of memory (R needs at least…

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